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Starling Growth Announcements

Below are some exciting updates about how we are expanding our team and facilities to better serve our patient population.

Dr. Carol Watson to Join Starling

I am happy to announce that Carol L. Watson, MD, FACOG will be joining the Grove Hill OB/GYN Department in early November. Dr. Watson has had a successful solo practice in Avon since 2007 where she has embraced a philosophy that strongly values the doctor-patient relationship. She puts her heart and soul into the care of every patient.

Dermatology Expansion

The Department of Dermatology has recently signed a letter of intent to move into a new 5,000 sq. ft. new space in Rocky Hill at 111 Compass Blvd. The larger space will provide the opportunity to add providers and have a more full-time presence to meet the needs of our patients and referring physicians in this market. The space is anticipated to be ready in early 2017.

Nephrology Access Center

The Department of Nephrology has reached an agreement on new space for an expanded Dialysis Access Center in Newington. It will be located on Willard Avenue and will be 5,000 sq. ft. The plan is to move the current operations from 3580 Main Street in Hartford to the new location in Newington.

The new location is double in size and will be more centrally located to better serve all of our nephrology dialysis patients. The Access Center provides a comfortable outpatient setting for evaluation and treatment of common problems associated with catheters, grafts, and fistulas necessary for dialysis access. As I reported on a previous update, the Starling Nephrology Department will be expanding in January with the addition of five physicians from Nephrologic Associates.