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Primary Care Physicians Recognized by United Healthcare for High Quality Care in 2016

Congratulations to all Internal Medicine providers and staff who contributed to a stellar quality performance in our United Medicare Advantage plan!  Per the attached summary slide, Starling achieved a score of 4.47 out of a possible 5.0 on the quality measures that are part of our incentive plan.  That score led to a performance incentive payment of $268,000, which is being distributed this month to the practices who had attributed patients in the United MA program.

The MU/Value line of provider financial statements in September reflected the part of that incentive payment earned by your practice for the following measures in which Starling’s score met the threshold for an incentive payment:

  • Breast Cancer Screening
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Diabetes Care – Kidney Disease Monitoring
  • Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medication
  • Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RAS antagonists)
  • Medication Adherence for Cholesterol

Payments were allocated according to each provider’s attributed patients and the % of those patients who received the preventive screening and chronic disease management services for which they were eligible, according to United’s data.