Call: 860-258-3470

Kenneth A. Merkatz, MD, FACCContact Info


Medical School

College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY
University Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH


University Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH


University Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH


University Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY


Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
Assistant Clinical Professor at UConn School of Medicine

Board Certification

Board Certified in Cardiovascular Diseases
Board Certified in Internal Medicine

  • Biography

    Dr. Kenneth Merkatz graduated from Columbia College in 1984 and went on to receive his medical degree there in 1988. He trained at University Hospital of Cleveland and completed a fellowship in cardiovascular diseases. He also completed a fellowship in clinical cardiac electrophysiology at North Shore University Hospital in New York.

    Dr. Merkatz is a diplomate with ABIM in cardiovascular diseases and is a fellow with the American College of Cardiology. He enjoys teaching and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UConn School of Medicine.

  • Affiliations

    Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
    Assistant Clinical Professor at UConn School of Medicine

  • Commendations

    Diplomate ABIM (Cardiovascular Disease)
    Fellow American College of Cardiology

  • Patient Reviews

Enfield – 160 Hazard Ave
160 Hazard Ave, Enfield, CT 06082, USA
(860) 258-3477

Wethersfield – 1260 Silas Deane
1260 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109, USA
(860) 258-3477

Glastonbury – 289 Western
289 Western Blvd, Glastonbury, CT, United States
(860) 258-3477

Enfield – 160 Hazard Ave
160 Hazard Ave, Enfield, CT 06082, USA
(860) 258-3477
Wethersfield – 1260 Silas Deane
1260 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109, USA
Suite 109 | (860) 258-3477
Glastonbury – 289 Western
289 Western Blvd, Glastonbury, CT, United States
(860) 258-3477