Call: 860-258-3470

Jillian D'Eramo, RN, MSN, CNMContact Info



The University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
New York University Nurse: Midwifery Program, New York, NY


Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT

Board Certification

American Midwifery Certification Board

  • Biography

    Jillian is originally from Connecticut. She went to college at the University of Scranton where she studied nursing. She earned her Master’s in Nurse-Midwifery at New York University. Jillian recently relocated back to Connecticut after working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for four and a half years in New York City. In her free time, Jillian enjoys spending time with her family, reading, going to the beach, and traveling.

  • Affiliations

    Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT

  • Professional Organizations

    Sigma Theta Tau International, Iota Mega Chapter

  • Patient Reviews

Bloomfield – 533 Cottage Grove Rd
533 Cottage Grove Road, Bloomfield, CT, United States
(860) 246-4029

Hartford – 100 Retreat Ave
100 Retreat Avenue, Hartford, CT, United States
(860) 246-4029

Wethersfield – 1210 Silas Deane
1210 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109, USA

Bloomfield – 533 Cottage Grove Rd
533 Cottage Grove Road, Bloomfield, CT, United States
(860) 246-4029
Hartford – 100 Retreat Ave
100 Retreat Avenue, Hartford, CT, United States
400 | (860) 246-4029
Wethersfield – 1210 Silas Deane
1210 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109, USA
106 | 860-246-4029