Email Security
Below is an important update from Dr. Larry Koch, Medical Director.
When e-mailing within the e-mail system, the content of your e-mail is protected. If you are e-mailing to anyone other than a e-mail recipient, the content of your e-mail is not protected.
Please remember to type the word encrypt in the subject line of your e-mail in order to protect sensitive information. This includes, of paramount importance, an e-mail containing any patient information. However, any proprietary company or employee information should be protected as well.
Below is the advice from NPS when the new e-mail was launched:
** NOTE: If you type “ENCRYPT” anywhere in the subject line, the e-mail will be encrypted and external recipient(s) will need to log into the online Barracuda security system to receive it. There is no need to encrypt to other STARLINGPHYSICIANS.COM recipients. **